
The St Thomas More Society was founded in Sydney in 1945.


The Society is a fellowship of lawyers inspired by the example of St Thomas More (1478-1535), as exemplified by his life of public service, and his martyrdom at Tower Hill on 6 July 1535.

Join us

We encourage lawyers and any non-lawyers who share the ideals of the society to register.



The goal of the St Thomas More Society, consonant with the juris praecepta of the Justinian Code – honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere – is to extend amongst lawyers the highest ideals of culture and morality.

To this end, the specific objects of the Society are to provide opportunities to members for acquiring a deeper understanding of the principles of Christian ethics and morality in relation to the profession of the law, through the presentation of those principles by experts, and a free and enlightened discussion of them amongst the members themselves, and, to promote the constant application of the same principles by members in their everyday practice.



The principal events in the Society’s calendar are the Red Mass, which is celebrated each year at the beginning of the Law Term, and the Annual Retreat. Additionally, the Society organises talks and social functions.

The Society:

  • Commences the Law Term each year by convening the Red Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral
  • Convenes an Annual Retreat for members
  • Convenes Breakfast Seminars on subjects of ethical importance to the profession
  • Publishes an official organ, Utopia
  • Celebrates the feast day of St Thomas More annually on 22 June with Mass
  • Promotes the interaction of its members with people and societies who hold similar ideals; and
  • Prays for its deceased members