Red Mass Sydney

The Red Mass has been celebrated each year at St Mary’s Cathedral since 1931. Even during the Second World War, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour in 1942, when it seemed Australia’s survival as a nation was in issue, the Red Mass was celebrated at the commencement of the Law Term.
This year, given the very large number of covid infections, the Red Mass celebrated at St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney by Bishop Danny Meagher, was made available by AVL. Details are as follows:
Live Stream | Please click on the following link to access the live web-stream: |
Celebrant | Bishop Danny Meagher DD, B Ec, LLB, STL |
Red Mass Booklet | The Red Mass Booklet can be accessed by clicking here. |
Bishop Meagher’s Homily | Bishop Meagher’s Homily can be accessed by clicking here. |

Joanne van der Plaat, President, Law Society of NSW writing on Red Mass Sydney
“Last week marked the traditional Opening of Law Term and whilst the judiciary and profession would “normally” attend religious services in person, the current Omicron has seen many of them postponed. However, I was grateful for the opportunity to watch a live stream of the Red Mass at Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral on YouTube last Monday, from my lounge.
Bishop Meagher, who was a lawyer in a former life, touched upon several themes at the Mass, which reminded me of a recent conversation with a trusted colleague, and one of my priorities this year. ‘What makes a good lawyer and how do we maintain wellbeing?’ According to Meagher, a good lawyer not only requires excellence, discipline and training, but humility. To maintain wellbeing, they must know themselves and how to put others first. The uncertainty of the past two years has caused me and no doubt many of us, to reflect consciously on the need to advocate for a society in which we care more for each other. And to celebrate what a truly remarkable profession we are, continuing to uphold our duties to the court, the profession and the communities we each serve.”
Full article here.
Red Mass Parramatta
Given the ability to socially distance, the Red Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral Paramatta celebrated by Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM, occurred in the usual way. Details are as follows:
Live Stream | Please click on the following link to access the live web-stream: |
Celebrant | Most Reverend Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv DD |
Red Mass Booklet & Homily | The Red Mass Booklet can be accessed by clicking here. Homily can be accessed by clicking here. |
Also at Parramatta was Mr Damien Tudehope MLC, Minister for Finance. Accompanying Mr Tudehope was the Minister for Corrections, Dr Geoff Lee MP for Paramatta. Mr Tudehope’s presence highlights the determination of the NSW Government to abandon the lockdown mentality, to live life as usual, subject to reasonable precautions.